Help shut down Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue
In the Small Animal Rescue world this place is well known, the last who runs it abandoned a ton of bunnies in Florida after getting bored with them. The animals are routinely in unsafe and unsanitary conditions.
Dear friends,
I’ve been working on this for a long time now. This rescue, Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue, has been under investigation for quite some time. I have been working with a private group and here is all of the evidence we have compiled so far:http://causes.worldpeacemeet.
com/stoplmrr/ We only use evidence that we have actual physical back up proof for. This rescue has been taking in tens of thousands of dollars and the animals are being neglected and going without food.
Today Little Miracles posted on their facebook that they will be renovating their surgical area. Attached you will find a screenshot of their blog stating that their surgical area was completed on Sept 9. The photos from today show a cluttered, unsterile environment. There have been at least 2 surgical days and at least 28 rabbits that have been spayed/neutered in that facility.
I would like to ask that people post on their facebook page and confront them about this. Your post will likely be removed shortly after posting and you will be blocked from their site. I questioned them once and am blocked, as is everyone else who has tried to question them. The goal is to have a number of people post over the course of time so that a message is always seen on their page. If everyone posts at once then it will all get deleted and no one will see them.
Examples of things you can post “ On September 9th you stated in your blog that the surgical area was completed. The pictures you posted today show a cluttered unsterile environment. Were the rabbits spayed and neutered in that room?????”
Or if you see anything on the http://causes.worldpeacemeet.
com/stoplmrr/ page, please feel free to ask them to explain!
We have been working day and night for months trying to put this together. I appreciate all of the support that you can give. Please file complaints with the authorities listed on the Causes page. We even offer a standard email and all of the email addresses so that you can just copy and paste.
We are currently working with Dept of Health and the NJ Vet Board.
Thanks again!